In Michigan 'Save Christ Church' leader calls for clergy resignation

Just days after 57 percent of voting members of the Christ Church of Lonsdale rejected their rector’s plea that they merge with Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Cumberland, opposition leader Walter Scott is calling for a brand new team of lay and clergy leaders.

In a letter to the Rev. Scott Gunn Monday, Walter Scott said of his Committee to Save Christ Church, “It is our sincere hope that the entire clergy will voluntarily resign prior to (the Feb. 13 annual) meeting and that includes the current vestry.”

Scott is offering to take on the role of senior warden, the highest lay position in the church and head of the governing board, which is called the vestry.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Episcopal Church (TEC), Ministry of the Laity, Ministry of the Ordained, Parish Ministry, Pastoral Theology, TEC Parishes, Theology

8 comments on “In Michigan 'Save Christ Church' leader calls for clergy resignation

  1. Rob Eaton+ says:

    Rhode Island, not Michigan

  2. MotherViolet says:

    With all the different types of people they welcome how could they be short of cash and congregation?

  3. Ralph says:

    RI, not MI.

    From here:

    1. “He is passionate about the need for the church both to maintain its ancient traditions and to engage the world in relevant ways.” Uh-oh.
    2. “At Christ Church he often preaches about generosity…” Uh-oh.
    3. “Scott was educated at Luther College, Yale Divinity School,” Uh-oh. “and Brown University.”
    4. “He serves on Diocesan Council, and he is a Deputy to General Convention of the Episcopal Church.” Yikes!
    5. “He is also a member of the Board of Governors of Episcopal Life, the news publication of the Episcopal Church.” Oh-my.
    6. He grew up in Iowa, but has lived in New England since 1990. He [b]and his partner, Sherilyn,[/b] have two dogs.” Hmmm. What an interesting euphemism for “wife”! (The bold type is my edit.)

  4. farstrider+ says:

    Follow the above link to Gunn’s blog and you’ll get a pretty good sense of where he’s coming from. Hates ACNA. Mock’s the Salvation Army for believing in hell. Advocates for gay marriage. And so on…

  5. Statmann says:

    TEC Clerical Directory states that he married Sheilyn Pearce on Dec 5, 1992. Statmann

  6. Statmann says:

    When I first read about this merger, I thought that it sounded like complex financial deal. I would think that the wise move would be for the Rev. Gunn to become the rector at Emmanuel and let Christ Church make a new start. Statmann

  7. Jeff Walton says:

    The Rev. Gunn’s writings about Archbishop Duncan reveal a lack of maturity that is unbecoming of a shepherd. If Gunn doesn’t care for ACNA, he should be politely dismissive of it, not mocking it as “Bobby’s Bible Barn” (such a witty put-down!) I guess that when your church is floundering, picking on someone else makes you feel better about yourself.

  8. lostdesert says:

    If you use words like partner, you are moving toward the SSB, SSM agenda. Nice move Rev Gunn. Thanks for helping my generation to completely abandon the sanctity of marriage.

    Goodbye TEC.