Seven former Church of England clergy [yesterday were] ordained Roman Catholic priests at St George’s Cathedral Southwark in London. It marks the start of a wave of ordinations over the next two weeks in which more than 50 former Anglican clergy, many married, will become Catholic priests.
The first of the Pentecost ordinations by the Archbishop of Southwark, the Most Rev Peter Smith, …[Saturday] mark[ed] the formal establishment of the new Ordinariate as a going concern. More than 900 laity have already been received into the Catholic Church but have until now been worshipping with existing Catholic congregations while their clergy trained for the Catholic priesthood at Allen Hall seminary in Chelsea, West London.
Over 900 laity, over 50 clergy. That’s not huge, but its not insignificant either. And, its early days.
I reckon Lambeth is watching very carefully.
Many years!
One of them is a commenter here from time to time, Rugbyplayingpriest.
I was indeed amongst that number and a wonderful day it was too!
Would love to see a transcript of this article if available without the subscription…