Kendall Harmon–Throttling the Blog Way Back for Lent 2013

In the season of Lent 2013, the Titusonenine blog needs to shift in terms of its focus and character.
There are a number of reasons for this, but let me cite several.

First, I have had a significant change in my personal circumstances. My father, as a number of you know, came down to South Carolina suddenly in 2012, in need of skilled nursing care. Since getting him an original place to be looked after, we wanted to move him closer to ourselves here in Summerville if possible, and recently a spot has opened up at the Presbyterian Home here (they now call themselves “The Village at Summerville”).

Dad has just moved to this new facility in early 2013. He is 80, and neither of us is getting any younger. My wife and I would like to see him more often, and this is a wonderful opportunity.

Also, my right knee has been a continuing and worsening problem. A number of years back I had surgery for a torn meniscus. Then a couple of years ago the pain began to inch up to the point of being more and more of a distraction and obstacle. It was time to go to the doctor (yuck). I have now been to two specialists, both of whom say I need a knee replacement. When this was first proposed, I nearly screamed (by the way I am not getting older and not in denial either [g]). Now that both of them and my wife and my co-worker at the parish where I serve have said it is time, the jig is up. It looks like the procedure will be in the late spring. I need to get ready.

Second, the situation in the diocese is demanding. The conflict with the national Episcopal Church is a real mess and it is not only personally and emotionally draining, it is spiritually challenging. True, is also an opportunity, but I need to retool the engines so to speak in order to live into that possibility.

Thirdly, the parish where I serve is headed into a new Lenten series entitled “into the wilderness.” The more I wrestled and prayed with the theme the more appropriate I sensed it would be for me to be more in the wilderness also in terms of a blog break.

Finally, although I can scarcely believe it, this blog has been in operation for ten years as of next month. Somehow that timing, also, makes this choice appropriate.

In any event, with the exception of some Anglican and South Carolina news and developments, blog posts will focus on theological and devotional topics as well as open threads on edifying discussion topics, and I will be posting occasionally with help from others.

I wish all of you a blessed lent 2013, and ask your prayers for myself, my family and the diocese of South Carolina. Thank you for your readership, participation, and support””KSH.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * By Kendall, * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet, Church Year / Liturgical Seasons, Episcopal Church (TEC), Harmon Family, Health & Medicine, Lent, Pastoral Theology, TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: South Carolina, Theology

23 comments on “Kendall Harmon–Throttling the Blog Way Back for Lent 2013

  1. Undergroundpewster says:

    Let us know when your surgery is planned so that the prayer team can ramp it up. Have a blessed Lent Kendall and strengthen those quads!

  2. Karen B. says:

    It excites me to think of the opportunities God will open up for you as you take this time to wait on Him.

    I will pray this time of rest will be extremely fruitful and blessed for you personally, for your family, and in diocesan life. May God guide You clearly into whatever He has ahead for you in a new season. (I will pray too for grace for you in keeping to the discipline of scaling back, because I know it will be a discipline for you and trial at times to cut back!)

    You and your family will be in my prayers. And I second UndergroundPewster’s request: Please DO let us know about the date for your surgery so we can be praying!

  3. Langley Granbery says:

    Thanks Kendall! You are a blessing to me and many others.

  4. Terry Tee says:

    Kendall, I think it would be good for all of us if the blog was more focussed, with fewer but more thoughtful postings.

    Regarding the knee, if it is any encouragement I have had a knee replacement on the good old NHS. Before it was virtually crippled, in great pain, walking with a stick, unable to go up or down stairs or steps except with great difficulty and pain. I walked out of the hospital after 48 hours and the transformation is incredible. Laus Deo.

  5. venbede says:

    Thanks for your service to us over the past ten years.
    I understand and support your decision to re-focus as
    you attend to these other important situations.

    Hunter Moore

  6. Luke says:

    You and Titus 1/9 have been a continuing inspiration.
    Please, with the Lord’s and the medical side’s help, get yourself well.
    And, this 80 year-old who is still fortunate enough to live at home and get about pretty easily (though I do ride a 4-wheeler when I hunt quailo, sends his best to your Dad.

  7. Cennydd13 says:

    Ditto from me, Kendall, and you’re in my prayers every Sunday.

  8. Katherine says:

    To everything there is a season. May this new season in your life bring blessings.

  9. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Canon Harmon, I trust you will feed on more than locusts and wild honey in the wilderness.

    Jesus went off for deep prayer and preparation in the wilderness, or at least a garden if he could find it, and so should we. May you be richly blessed in this time and thank you for the way you have led me and others into a richer understanding of our faith in the last 10 years and I assume you are also leading us in this time of Lent by your example.

    God bless you, your family and for Bishop Mark and all the people of the wonderful diocese of South Carolina in this testing season. Prayers for all of you – looking back, I think it will be seen as a time for growth and deepening of faith.

    Lord, set your holy angels to stand guard over them, in Jesus’ name. Amen

  10. drummie says:

    Thank you for the temporary change. Lately I have been finding myself more angry and discontent. When that happens I have been concentrating on the wrong things and neglecting what I should be doing. Hopefully we can all slow down, and take the opportunity during Lent to “walk through” (only way I could think to describe it) the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord. For a while I will be concentrating on the grievious last few days before he was betrayed. Thanks for all you do for all of us.

    Dominus Vobiscum

  11. Teatime2 says:

    My goodness, there is so much on your plate, Canon Harmon! From where I sit, these all seem like positive opportunities, especially the time with dad but even the knee replacement.

    Seconding Terry Tee, I believe you will be delighted with the results. I belong to a group dealing with autoimmune disease and the folks with rheumatoid arthritis who have had knee replacements have done really well. I’m a bit jealous — I have Lupus and scleroderma, which attack my skin and connective tissue. I am constantly having surgeries to repair tendons, cartilage and muscle damaged by inflammation. DO avail yourself of this opportunity to fix your knee once and for all!

    Wishing you a holy Lent,

  12. Charles52 says:

    Canon Harmon –

    Best wishes for a peaceful Lent.

    I appreciate you’re blog, but it’s cheering to see you put your father at a high priority. When he’s gone he’s gone, and then you won’t regret anything you did with and for him. I know: Mother passed away not long ago.

  13. Douglas LeBlanc says:

    Kendall, may God bless your time with your father abundantly. My father died in 1992, and I miss him most keenly when I need his wisdom, which is often.
    Thank you (and the elves) for the sheer volume of material you share with all of us day in and day out.

  14. "Peter in the pew" says:

    Kendall, thank you and take a break. Been through the knee stuff and you’re right, it takes a lot out of you. Take care of yourself and have a blessed lent.

  15. The Lakeland Two says:

    We’ll be praying for you for healing and refreshment. Thanks for all you and and the Elves do.

  16. Sarah1 says:

    Oh. No.

    We will be left to [i]the Tender Mercies of the elves[/i].

    : < ( [Fear not Sarah1 – the Elves are fasting for Lent]

  17. Sarah1 says:

    Woo hoooooo!!!! We’re free to run rampage and pillage and plunder through the pages of T19!!!!!!!

    [i] Wanna bet? [/i]

  18. The Lakeland Two says:

    Oh, Sarah…. They might ask that SFIF Commenatrix to come swing her axe…. 😉

    I really miss Snarkster… Made me think of the BBQ jokes.

  19. Frances Scott says:

    Kendall, I shall miss your wit and your wide ranging postings. Enjoy your father. Get your knee fixed. God bless you in all your many ministries and give you good success.
    Frances Scott

  20. magnolia says:

    with everything you have going on, a break is more than due. enjoy this time with your father and best of luck with your knee replacement. i will be praying for you and your diocese.

  21. David Wilson says:

    Blessings on you Kendall and your family. You’ve been faithful to the task for 10 years and have encouraged and edified your blogosphere flock greatly. I pray for Bishop Mark, you and my many clergy friends in the Diocese to continue to stand firm. We will gladly welcome you into the ACNA if and when that time comes.

    Your friend and brother in Christ,


  22. BabyBlue says:

    Praying for you and your family! Look forward to reading your lenten reflections – may this time be one of spiritual and physical and emotional renewal. Blessings to you, Kendall


  23. Bill Matz says:

    Any former Naval Academy professor deserves our strongest support.