The novÂelÂist, essayÂist, and poet, WenÂdell Berry said he once knew a barÂber who refused to give a disÂcount to baldÂing men because his artistry was not in cutÂting off hair but rather in knowÂing when to stop. LikeÂwise, I pray there is some artistry or at least craftiÂness in knowÂing when to begin. After much coaxÂing from sevÂeral memÂbers of our dioceÂsan staff I have finally comÂmitÂted to sitÂting down before this comÂputer to write a blog. In doing so I’ve been told I need to give the blog a name. So here it is: I chrisÂten thee, Midge-buzzings, MusÂterÂings, and MusÂings””a name which clearly merÂits a brief explaÂnaÂtion, not merely for the obscuÂriÂties embedÂded therein, but because of what such a name sugÂgests about the content.