Millburn Township resident T. Felder Dorn will present his latest book, “Challenges on the Emmaus Road: Episcopal Bishops Confront Slavery, Civil War, and Emancipation,” Wednesday, Nov. 6, at 7 p.m., at the Millburn Free Public Library, 200 Glen Ave….
Dorn, who grew up as a Southern Baptist in South Carolina, converted to the Episcopalian faith soon after he landed his first faculty position at Sewanee: The University of the South, an institution of the Episcopal Church, located in Tennessee. “Challenges on the Emmaus Road” covers the period between 1840 and 1875 as it examines the words and actions of Episcopal bishops of that era, first concerning slavery, and then concerning the events and issues spawned by that institution. The responses to these events and issues by both Southern and Northern bishops are discussed.
The liberals make another startling revelation: A bishop can be wrong. What might be next for thses poor folks?
Any time that modern liberal revisionists don’t know how to handle their own inconsistencies and ludicrous conclusions they reach into their GoTo Bag and grab the past: dead people and slavery.