C of E releases a new statement from the Bishop of Durham on George Bell

“Recent media comment regarding Bishop George Bell has focused on my recent contributions made in the House of Lords in response to a question on the Church’s actions in this matter.
On reflection I believe my words were not as clear as they could have been and I welcome this opportunity to provide further clarity.
Almost three years ago a civil claim was made, raising allegations of abuse by George Bell, the former Bishop of Chichester.
In response to the claim independent legal and medical reports were commissioned and duly considered. The evidence available was interrogated and evaluated. This led to a decision to settle the claim and to offer a formal apology to the survivor. This decision was taken on the balance of probabilities – the legal test applicable in civil claims.

Read it all.

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One comment on “C of E releases a new statement from the Bishop of Durham on George Bell

  1. Terry Tee says:

    In effect, George Bell has been tried and found guilty. With this difference: he could not speak for himself, or be questioned, nor could he direct investigators towards evidence that might have exonerated him. This is not a just or reasonable procedure.