(Vancouver Sun) B.C. Anglican priest earns doctorate in spirituality of snowboarding

An Anglican priest in British Columbia has earned a PhD for his research into the spirituality of snowboarding.

Rev. Neil Elliot of St. Andrews Anglican Church in Trail began his studies 10 years ago in England, pulling together a love of snowboarding, an interest in spirituality and a desire to understand the relationship between spirituality and religion.

It was the word “soulriding” that first captured his attention more than a dozen years ago, while he was living in England and snowboarding in the Alps in Europe. The term made him wonder if there was a spiritual dimension to carving a path down a mountain.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Provinces, Education, England / UK, Ministry of the Ordained, Parish Ministry, Spirituality/Prayer, Sports, Theology

9 comments on “(Vancouver Sun) B.C. Anglican priest earns doctorate in spirituality of snowboarding

  1. Larry Morse says:

    Then there’s spirituality and boxing, starting from souljabbing. Many possibilities there. And hockey too, from soulicing. A lot of dissertations there. And basketball, from soulhooping.
    is there no limit beyond which sheer silliness becomes intolerable?
    Well, i suppose in a doctoral program, where there are no more subjects left for research, one must take what one can get. I wonder what “discipine” this is in? Recreation science? Larry

  2. Cennydd13 says:

    “Spirituality of snowboarding?” Hmmph! Might just as well have said “spirituality of snorting crack!”

  3. MattJP says:

    I agree with Larry’s comment.

    I have no idea why snowboarding and “snorting crack” would be compared in comment #2.

    -A snowboarder

  4. episcoanglican says:

    Clearly this person missed a calling in sales.

  5. kmh1 says:

    “Then there’s spirituality and boxing”

    Yep, worked fine in the Boxer Rebellion – made them bulletproof.

  6. Teatime2 says:

    I’ve just taken up yoga to help with the pain and weakness my Lupus causes. I can see a spiritual dimension to it. Come to think of it, perhaps I can incorporate some simple prayers or meditations on the Passion during Lent as I’m holding these poses and breathing.

    But a Ph.D. in Christian Yoga? Nah, I don’t think so. (Although, I have contemplated putting together some yoga and strengthening exercises to some of my favorite hymns. Does anyone think a DVD called “Sweating to the Hymnal” would be a lucrative enterprise? 😉 )

  7. Larry Morse says:

    Love it, #6, love it. ha ha ha ha ha Larry

  8. nwlayman says:

    For an Anglican cleric in Canada it actually seems like a fairly deep topic.

  9. kmh1 says:

    ‘Snowboard’? Wasn’t that a song by Anne Murray, eh?