Thank you Bishop Jacob. Your words of encouragement are Christ’s words. I will. I will keep my eyes on Jesus. God’s peace and strength to you as you pour out the Good News and may the ears of those that are in hearing distance be opened. May the scales put on by customs fall from the customized eyes. What a blessing! Thank you for coming to America.
What a glaring, jarring contrast to anything KJS ever put out that she called a “sermon”. This should be fed to every TEC priest and bishop – it would be for at least a few like Puddleglum intentionally putting his foot in the fire.
Thank you Bishop Jacob. Your words of encouragement are Christ’s words. I will. I will keep my eyes on Jesus. God’s peace and strength to you as you pour out the Good News and may the ears of those that are in hearing distance be opened. May the scales put on by customs fall from the customized eyes. What a blessing! Thank you for coming to America.
What a glaring, jarring contrast to anything KJS ever put out that she called a “sermon”. This should be fed to every TEC priest and bishop – it would be for at least a few like Puddleglum intentionally putting his foot in the fire.