In the Persian calendar, 22 Bahman has a revered place as the anniversary of the overthrow of the Western-backed monarchy by the world’s first Islamic revolution. Tomorrow marks 31 years since that event and in Tehran the preparations are underway. Bunting and flags are strung across the streets, and loudspeakers have been fixed to lamp posts to relay speeches which, according to tradition, should be met by mass roars of “Death to America” from crowds gathered beneath the city’s Azadi monument.
This year, however, as Iran’s nuclear standoff with the West escalates to crisis levels, the opposition is planning to hijack the annual “celebrations” for its biggest show of strength in months. Pro-government forces will also be out in force ”“ as they were yesterday, protesting outside European embassies ”“ and the pieces are in place for a volatile confrontation. No one doubts that the security forces have been readying their weapons and the prisons, clearing space for “rioters”, and the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has threatened they will be given a “punch in the mouth” if they dare to protest.