Monthly Archives: August 2007

The Number of Americans Moving to Canada in 2006 Hit a 30-Year High

The number of U.S. citizens who moved to Canada last year hit a 30-year high, with a 20 percent increase over the previous year and almost double the number who moved in 2000.

In 2006, 10,942 Americans went to Canada, compared with 9,262 in 2005 and 5,828 in 2000, according to a survey by the Association for Canadian Studies.

Of course, those numbers are still outweighed by the number of Canadians going the other way. Yet, that imbalance is shrinking. Last year, 23,913 Canadians moved to the United States, a significant decrease from 29,930 in 2005.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch

Archbishop of York Welcomes Prime Minister’s “Global Lead” on Millennium Development Goals

“I wholeheartedly welcome and support this re-commitment to the Millennium Development Goals. The Archbishop of Canterbury and I are on record for calling on the Government to act urgently. The Prime Minister’s global lead in this speech today is a sign of hope that such action is imminent.

“Seven years ago solemn vows were made to honour our common humanity through the adoption of the MDGs. These vows have been broken and we have clearly fallen behind. I recognise the Prime Minister’s desire, as expressed in this speech, to fulfil the vows made and to deliver the MDGs once promised. This speech is a call to renewed partnership by all in our global village to work together to eradicate poverty. The meaning of partnership is that we sink or
swim together.”

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE)

Star-Telegram: Conservatives back federation

Dissident Episcopalians from across the nation approved a plan Tuesday aimed at creating a federation of Anglican groups opposed to liberal church decisions, such as the U.S. church’s election of a gay bishop.

Eighty delegates to the annual council meeting of the Pittsburgh-based Anglican Communion Network took the initial steps to form a federation of Anglican groups still in the Episcopal Church, along with other groups that have left.

The actions came at a two-day meeting at St. Vincent’s Episcopal Cathedral.

“This will begin the gathering of fragmented bodies into one unified body of traditional orthodox Anglicans in North America,” Fort Worth Bishop Jack Iker said.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Communion Network

One New Priest, Two Episcopal Parishes in New Jersey

St. Mary Senior War-den William Haines said of the new assistant rector, “This is important for both Episcopal Churches in Cape May County to help expand the ministry of the church. We are excited to have Pastor Debra here. She is the first woman clergy at St. Mary’s. That is a significant milestone for this church, which will mark its 100th year in 2010.”

Bullock worked at the Church of the Transfiguration in Palos Park, Illinois, about 25 miles southwest of Chicago. “She was doing the kind of work we were looked for,” Sosnowski said.

Bullock was working under a grant from the Lilly Endowment; a private foundation founded by family of the founders of Eli Lilly and Company pharmaceuticals.
New to the ministry, Bullock was ordained in 2006. She was interviewed at St. Mary’s and St. Barnabas. “We are convinced she is the right person for the job and so we hired her together,” Sosnowski said.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Parishes

Retired Indianapolis Bishop Edward W. Jones Dies

Bishop Jones was elected Bishop Coadjutor of Indianapolis in 1977 and was consecrated as diocesan bishop in September that year. He served on the Theology Committee of the House of Bishops, which presented the case for the ordination of women to the episcopate at the 1988 Lambeth Conference. He also served for a number of years as the presiding judge on the Court of Trial of a Bishop. Among the cases at which he presided was the hearing for the Rt. Rev. Walter Righter, retired Bishop of Iowa, who was exonerated in 1996 of charges that he had violated the doctrine of the church and his ordination vows in ordaining as a deacon the Rev. Barry Stopfel, who was engaged in a long-term homosexual relationship.

Bishop Jones was serving as rector of St. James’ Church, Lancaster, Pa., when he was elected bishop. He began his ordained ministry in 1954 as an assistant at Grace Church, Sandusky, Ohio. In 1957, he accepted a call to be rector of Christ Church, Oberlin, and Episcopal chaplain to Oberlin College. He was assistant to the Bishop of Ohio from 1968 to 1971, at which time he began a six-year tenure at St. James’. He attended Union Theological Seminary in New York City and graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Bishops

In Tennessee Christ Church Cathedral rector resigns

[Kenneth] Swanson, has who led the church and its 2,000 members for the past decade, “is dealing with some personal issues,” Bauerschmidt said.

Court records show that Swanson filed for divorce from Barbara Swanson, his wife of almost 37 years, last week, citing irreconcilable differences. The divorce would not have disqualified him from holding a leadership position in the church, Bauerschmidt said, noting that the decision to resign was Swanson’s.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Parishes

Todd Granger: Grasping the nettle of Conciliarism

The past four years have been for me and many faithful Anglican Episcopalians an exercise in hope: hope that our Lord will sort out this mess we’re in; and particularly hope that the conciliar processes of the Anglican Communion will be allowed to grow and to come to fruition. Certainly the draft Covenant presented to the Primates Meeting by the Covenant Design Group in February of this year bears witness on the part of the wider Communion to a desire for such a development.

The Lambeth Conference, because it is at least theoretically composed of all the bishops of Anglican Churches in communion with the See of Canterbury, has a particular and central role to play in these conciliar processes. Indeed, because of the charism for ministry given to bishops by God the Holy Spirit at their ordination (both personally and corporately) to guard the faith of the Church and to act as faithful pastors, it is they who have a particular responsibility and ministry to take counsel together to discern the mind of Christ for the Church as new challenges to faith and praxis arise. This ministry is not shared with the clergy and the laity, though theologically and pastorally gifted clergy and laity may advise bishops in their task of discernment, because the laity, presbyters and deacons do not share the charisma for this discerning authority with the bishops. This ministry of discernment belongs, not to the Anglican Consultative Council (as is claimed by those who have elevated democracy and “representation” in the councils of the Church over charism), but to the Lambeth Conference, which by the exercise of this pneumatic authority would evolve into an episcopal synod. Nor does this ministry of discernment, this conciliar authority belong only to the Primates Meeting, composed as it is only of the primates, presiding bishops and moderators of the Churches of the Anglican Communion, and not of all the bishops of the Churches. So was it ever in the undivided Church, at Nicaea, at Chalcedon, at Ephesus, and in many regional councils and synods contemporary with and subsequent to the Ecumenical Councils. It may well be that our Lord, in this time of a Communion-wide crisis that cries out for conciliar discernment and decision-making, is calling the Churches of the Anglican Communion to recognize the charismatic and pneumatic authority of the Lambeth Conference.

Thus it was with some dismay that many of us read, earlier this summer, of Dr Williams’ invitation of all of the sitting bishops of The Episcopal Church ”“ save Bishop Gene Robinson of the Diocese of New Hampshire ”“ despite early signs of the American bishops’ rejection of the provisions of the Dar es Salaam Primates Meeting communiqué. But greater cause for dismay was given by Dr Williams’ stated plans for the Conference, which ”“ despite plans for discussion of an Anglican covenant generally and the text of the draft Covenant in particular ”“ seem aimed at denying the bishops gathered for the Lambeth Conference any conciliar decision-making role. My own dismay at this latter has been particularly acute, as I have for some time pinned some hopes on the resolution of this present crisis on morally authoritative action by the 2008 Conference. The dismay at this denial of a conciliar decision-making role is no doubt behind the news that the Rt Revd Robert Duncan, Bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh and Moderator of the Anglican Communion Network, believes that the Lambeth Conference, along with the archiepiscopal See of Canterbury, have been “lost as instruments of communion” (see “American Province ”˜Lost’, Network Asserts“, published today in The Living Church online).

I suppose that it could be argued that the trajectory toward Communion-wide conciliar decision-making is neither deflected nor stopped outright by Dr Williams’ stated plans for the Conference, that work done in 2008, particularly work that eventuates in a covenant linking the Churches of the Communion more closely together, will bear conciliar fruit in 2018. But I would humbly submit that by then the Anglican Communion will have suffered far deeper divisions than even those suffered thus far, and that schisms ”“ perhaps irreparable in our lifetimes ”“ will have occurred. Already many parishes have left The Episcopal Church, many of these being taken into the care of bishops in other Anglican provincial Churches (Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Southern Cone, Kenya). The Anglican Communion Network, a meeting of their council just concluded, appear to be laying the groundwork for a new conservative Anglican province in the United States that will emerge out of the Common Cause Coalition of various Anglican missionary initiatives and denominational churches. Many faithful Christians in The Episcopal Church have left Anglicanism altogether, some for more conservative Protestant churches and others for the Roman Catholic Church or one of the Orthodox Churches. Our own parish, though not rent by the controversy, has seen the departure of a number of gifted and committed families in the past three or four years over the intransigence of our bishops, our diocesan leadership and the General Convention; and over the slowness ”“ slowness that begins to look like a receding into the distance ”“ of resolution in favor of a faithful Anglican presence in the United States in communion with the See of Canterbury. Alienation between Churches has bred alienation between and within dioceses of this Church and within parishes in those dioceses. My own family are very nearly at our rope’s end, and my wife and I have no idea where we would turn for another church home. My spirits are at a very low ebb indeed, and I once again feel deeply connected with Elijah in the wilderness, an icon of whom hangs just within the front door of our house.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Identity, Ecclesiology, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Conflicts, Theology

Network States Willingness to "Engage in Mediation" with National Church

Delegates to the Network’s Annual Council have stated their “unconditional commitment to the unanimous urging of the Primates of the Anglican Communion that all existing litigation between The Episcopal Church (TEC) and those who have left TEC or are otherwise engaged in litigation involving claims of TEC, be suspended.”

The resolution, passed on July 31 in Bedford, TX, goes on to declare the Network’s willingness on behalf of its affiliates and partners “to engage in mediation” with TEC to find a mutually agreeable way forward.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Communion Network

A nice set of pictures from the Network Council Meetings

Kevin Kallsen has posted a nice set of pictures from the Network Council meetings.

Video stream archives can be found here:
See: “Past Clips” — recommended: last night’s press conference (2nd clip from left); Venables III (3rd clip from left).

Imagine the better quality MP3 recordings will be posted at Anglican TV within a few days.

Note, yesterday’s “Open Thread” on the Network Council has a lot of info and links in its comment thread, including identification of the bishops in the press conference, etc.

[b]UPDATE: We’re playing “name that bishop” — need some help with 2-3 bishops. Input welcome[/b]

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Resources & Links, Anglican Communion Network, Resources: Audio-Visual

Living Church: Revised Network Charter Retains Clause Acceding to TEC Constitution

Delegates to the annual council meeting of the Anglican Communion Network declined removing the organization from under the authority of the constitution of the General Convention of The Episcopal Church during a plenary session July 31.

The proposal would have deleted language from the group’s organizational charter that the Network “shall operate in good faith within the Constitution of the Episcopal Church.”

Instead, the council adopted a bylaws resolution that says Network affiliates outside The Episcopal Church are not required to submit to the constitution of The Episcopal Church.

The decision followed a plea by the Rt. Rev. James Stanton, Bishop of Dallas, that the council not act prematurely. Bishop Stanton pointed out that the General Conventions of 1964 and 1967 defined The Episcopal Church as a constituent member of the Anglican Communion.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Communion Network

Names of derision deny God, youth told

“You are stupid.” “You are a failure.” “You will never amount to anything in life.”

Young people often hear such messages from others – to the point that they begin to believe these words and feel that way about themselves, according to Ray Buckley, a Native American storyteller and United Methodist layperson from Palmer, Alaska.
“I meet many young people across the world who describe themselves this way, and the sense of some youth in our communities is one of despair,” Buckley said during a workshop focusing on both “names of derision” and how names are sacred during Youth 2007, a July 11-15 event sponsored by the United Methodist Board of Discipleship.

Buckley said he frequently talks with young people who have been told all their lives that they are worthless, that they won’t graduate from high school or college because no one in their family ever has, that their future is to become alcoholics, and that there is no way out of the situation in which they live.

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Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Methodist, Other Churches, Parish Ministry, Religion & Culture, Teens / Youth

Outdoors ministry literally makes fishers of men

“Church is too boring for men,” says [Ed] Trainer. “For men, I think the great outdoors can be a cathedral. Men open up when they’re out on the water. It’s a place they can share their fears, problems and vulnerability.”

For more than a decade, Trainer has operated International Fishing Ministries out of the large home he shares with his wife and ministry partner, Barbara. Their property near a marina is crammed with fishing rods, mounted fish and scores of photos of men holding big salmon, sturgeon and other fish.

Trainer said he became a “fisher of men,” a phrase based on one of Jesus’ admonitions to his disciples, because he became bored with so many ministers’ sermons.

“Church is set up like a country club for women. For me, after five minutes of a sermon, I’m off in my mind fishing on some stream somewhere. Other men are thinking about the hockey game.”

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Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Religion News & Commentary, Evangelism and Church Growth, Other Churches, Parish Ministry

Episcopal lawyer slams Armstrong at hearing

The Rev. Don Armstrong used his pulpit to “throw out a smokescreen to conceal his grave offenses and crimes,” a lawyer for the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado told an ecclesiastical court today.

Parishioners past and present from Grace Church and St. Stephens in Colorado Springs, “deserve to know the evidence of his wrong doing,” attorney Ty Gee told the independent panel which heard nearly three hours of testimony at St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral.

Armstrong, who has repeatedly denied wrongdoing, ignored the hearing, saying it has no jurisdiction over him.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: Colorado


If you see anything troubling here that you don’t want posted, let me know!

I’ll keep this updated with running story ideas. I will NOT be e-mailing you links and news during your break.

8) A look back at Rowan’s Reflection from a year ago.
What difference does a year make in what he wrote?


9) Links to various resources we’ve discovered lately:

Biblical Art:
Christian Classics Library:
Christian Audio Books:


10) NT Wright’s On Faith Column on Heaven & Hell


11) Mohler on Mormonism

some commentary here:

Neuhaus on Mormonism:


12) Christianity Today: Cross Purposes

Cross Purposes
Biggest Christian conference splits amid growing atonement debate.

Three of Great Britain’s most prominent Christian groups have ended their 14-year conference partnership, scuttling the annual Word Alive youth event. At issue was disagreement over a speaker, the Rev. Steve Chalke.
Related articles and links

But below the surface simmers a theological controversy that threatens to split the country’s evangelicals.

Also: TLC op-ed
Also: Adrian Warnock blog

Posted in * Admin

Ephraim Radner: A Brief Statement of Resignation from the Anglican Communion Network

It is with sorrow and deep disappointment that I tender my resignation from the Anglican Communion Network. Since the time I assisted in its founding, its leaders, members, and mission have been dear to me, even when I have disagreed with some of its corporate actions. The recent statements by the Moderator of the Network, Robert Duncan, however, so contradict my sense of calling within this part of Christ’s Body, the Anglican Communion, that I have no choice but to disassociate myself from this group, whom I had once hoped might prove an instrument of renewal, not of destruction, of building up, not of tearing down.

Bishop Duncan has now declared the See of Canterbury and the Lambeth Conference — two of the four Instruments of Communion within our tradition ”“ to be “lost”. He has said that God is “doing a new thing” in allowing these elements to founder and be let go. I find this judgment to be dangerously precipitous and unfair under circumstances when current, faithful, and hard work is being done by many to bolster these Instruments as servants of our common life in Christ. The judgment is also astonishingly self-confident and autonomously prophetic in a mode not unlike the baleful claims to visionary authority of those who have long misled the Episcopal Church. Finally, the declaration in effect cancels out the other two Instruments of Communion that also uphold our common Anglican life ”“ the Primates’ Meeting and the Anglican Consultative Council. It is the entire Anglican Communion, therefore, that Bp. Duncan is declaring to be “lost”. The judgment is far too sweeping.

Bp. Duncan has, in the end, decided to start a new church. He may call it “Anglican” if he wishes, though I do not recognize the name in these kinds of actions that break communion rather than build it up ”“ for such building is what I have long perceived to be the “thing” God was “doing” with the earthen vessel of our tradition. In founding his new church, furthermore, he is, I fear, not working for the healing of our broken Body, but repeating the mistakes of Christians in the past, whose zeal has not only brought suffering to themselves, but has wounded the Church of Christ. It is not only his own diocese that his statements and actions will affect; it is many others, including parishes within them, many of which have worked for faithfulness and peace, truth in love, for some time, and for whom new troubles and divisions are now promised. Enough of this. I cannot follow him in this way. There is great work to be done, with hope and with joy, if also with suffering endurance for the faith once delivered, in the vineyards of the Anglican Communion where the Lord has called us and still maintains His calling; just as there has been in the past, and all for the glory of the larger Church Catholic.

–The Rev. Dr. Ephraim Radner

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Communion Network

E-mail use reaching biblical proportions

Is nothing sacred anymore?

E-mail use is invading the inner sanctums of church pew, bathroom and boudoir.

E-mail use is invading the inner sanctums of church pew, bathroom and boudoir.

A new study of more than 4,000 Americans over 13, including 200 from the Chicago area, found that 12 percent of mobile e-mail users look at their e-mail on their cell phones, personal digital assistants and other wireless devices while in church. And 12 percent catch up with e-mail in the john.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet, Religion & Culture