As the University of California’s Board of Regents met Thursday at U.C.L.A. and approved a plan to raise undergraduate fees ”” the equivalent of tuition ”” 32 percent next fall, hundreds of students from campuses across the state demonstrated outside, beating drums and chanting slogans against the increase….
After Thursday’s vote, as news trickled out to students rallying outside, the chants grew louder and students linked arms to block regents from leaving the building. The police intervened, and as one regent left, about 100 students clustered around him, yelling “Shame on you!”
Mark Yudof, the university president, said the state budget cuts had left the university no choice but to raise fees, and noted that the system received only half as much, per student, from the state as it did in 1990.
“My biggest fear,” Mr. Yudof said, “is an exodus of faculty.”
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