Monthly Archives: August 2007

A very Emotional Day

Our oldest daughter leaves for College in a few minutes. She is heading for the College of Wooster. It seems like only yesterday that she was born right after Hurricane Hugo in 1989. Where does the time go? KSH.

Posted in * By Kendall

Notable and Quotable

“Some hedge-fund managers have lost as much as a third of investors’ money amid the subprime debacle. But none of them are saying they’re sorry. Instead, in letters to clients, they point fingers at other funds, rare events and their own computer programs.”

The Wall Street Journal from this past weekend

Posted in * Economics, Politics, Economy

Tom Krattenmaker–Secularists, what happened to the open mind?

As the atheist writer and religion scholar Jacques Berlinerblau recently put it, “Can an atheist or agnostic commentator discuss any aspect of religion for more than 30 seconds without referring to religious people as imbeciles, extremists, mental deficients, fascists, enemies of the common good … conjure men (or) irrationalists?”

The behavior is unbecoming a school of thought that emphasizes rational complex thinking ”” and that has so much to offer if its practitioners can only live up to their own ideas about the value of an open mind.

The worst tendencies of atheists (who, by definition, believe God does not exist) and secularists (who are best described as “unreligious”) were framed for me during a recent e-mail exchange I had with a staff member of a humanist organization.

Discussing the relationship between science and religion, I had expressed my view that religion should leave scientific research to the scientists and devote itself, along with the fields of ethics and philosophy, to the mighty issues of the human condition: good and evil, the meaning of life, the nature of love and so forth. To which my correspondent replied: Why would something as inherently foolish as religion deserve a place at the table for discussions of that magnitude?

As someone who has studied religion and attended progressive churches, I was aghast. I had expected an articulate and intelligent advocate for the non-religious worldview to display a more nuanced understanding of that which she stood against.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture

Would your life be better without children?

“Open your eyes,” …[Corinne Maier] tells French women. “Your children will be baby-losers, destined for unemployment, insecure or low-grade work . . . They will have a life even less rigol-ote (fun) than yours, and that’s saying something. No, your marvellous babies have no future, as every baby born in a developed country is an ecological disaster for the whole planet.”

I’m only a few pages in and already I’ve clocked that this is war ”“ war with Europe’s most fecund country, which last year had a higher birthrate than any of its neighbours ”“ an announcement greeted like a sporting triumph by the country’s media.

“Why was this a victory?” asks Maier. “Perhaps because it is the only thing France has left to mount on a podium.” There’s no doubt about it. Maier, whose book has been at the top of the French bestseller lists all summer, is on a crusade to puncture France’s love affair with bébé.

“Children are there to stop you enjoying yourself. It’s a child’s hidden face. Believe me, he will be very inventive in this area. He will be ill when you (finally) arrange a night out, he will bug you when you celebrate your birthday with your friends, he will hate it if you bring someone he’s never met back for the night, and beyond that you won’t dare tread for fear of traumatising him for life.” She goes on to list the things you will almost certainly have to give up after having children. They include: a full night’s sleep, a lie-in, deciding to go to the cinema on the spur of the moment, staying out later than midnight (babysitters have to be relieved), visiting a museum or exhibition (children start mucking about after five mintues), taking your holiday anywhere other than destinations where there is a beach and a kids’ club, taking a holiday during term-time and smoking in front of your children, now deemed a “crime against humanity”.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Children, Europe, Marriage & Family

Artificial Life Likely in 3 to 10 Years

Around the world, a handful of scientists are trying to create life from scratch and they’re getting closer.
Experts expect an announcement within three to 10 years from someone in the now little-known field of “wet artificial life.”

“It’s going to be a big deal and everybody’s going to know about it,” said Mark Bedau, chief operating officer of ProtoLife of Venice, Italy, one of those in the race. “We’re talking about a technology that could change our world in pretty fundamental ways””in fact, in ways that are impossible to predict.”

That first cell of synthetic life””made from the basic chemicals in DNA””may not seem like much to non-scientists. For one thing, you’ll have to look in a microscope to see it.

“Creating protocells has the potential to shed new light on our place in the universe,” Bedau said. “This will remove one of the few fundamental mysteries about creation in the universe and our role.”

And several scientists believe man-made life forms will one day offer the potential for solving a variety of problems, from fighting diseases to locking up greenhouse gases to eating toxic waste.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Science & Technology

David Broder: The Next Huckabee Surprise?

Buoyed by his surprise second-place finish in the Iowa Republican straw poll, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is plotting an even bigger coup against Mitt Romney in the first presidential primary, in New Hampshire.

His inspiration for the audacious plot comes from two unlikely people: Pat Buchanan and Bill Clinton.

Clinton, the original man from Hope, Ark., Huckabee’s home town, was no better known to New Hampshire voters in the autumn of 1991 than Huckabee is today, while Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, leads the Granite State field. But, despite the Gennifer Flowers and draft-dodging scandals that plagued his campaign there, Clinton won enough friends to finish second in New Hampshire to 1992’s neighboring candidate, former Massachusetts senator Paul Tsongas.

Thanks to New Hampshire, Clinton proclaimed himself the “comeback kid” and went on to thrash Tsongas in the follow-up contests in Florida, Georgia and the rest of the South.

Huckabee figures that if he can just get past Romney in New Hampshire, he can do the same thing to him when the 2008 battle shifts south to Florida and South Carolina in January.

Read it all.

Posted in * Economics, Politics, US Presidential Election 2008

Christopher offers some Thoughts on Models of Anglicanism

An ecclesiology worth its Anglican salt must be capable of describing and dealing with this level of complexity (if not more) in terms of participation and comprehension before offering solutions to our present strains on communion. Otherwise, in my opinion, the solutions are likely to truncate not only within the Communion as a whole, but within parishes, dioceses, Churches/Provinces, and across varieties. 1662 cannot be posited as foundational without the au contraire of Scotland, for example. To suggest so is already the beginning of truncation.

This sort of comlexity requires that rather than responding to the insistence and anxieties of those who choose self-truncation or who would move us to ideological poles on one matter–homosexuality, we should be considering what will best keep our varieties reasonably intact and communing together by emphasizing and speaking to our overlapping interactions and sharing, especially our ethos of toleration and that which we hold in common in our Prayerbook discipline and our minimal but important theological summation in the C-L Quadrilateral. Any structures likely to arise out of this place are less likely to look Roman Catholic and any theology likely to arise out of this place is very less likely to look Genevan. Indeed, is more likely to reflect our hierarchy as distinction of gifts tendencies as Anglicans in terms of the episcopate.

I recognize our complexities present problems. Some would say my participation is beyond comprehension (illegitimate diversity) or would wish to limit my participation to the degree I live up to discipline. Hence, some dioceses, like that next door would refuse me communion in order to impose discipline. Other parishes might allow my reception while preaching I need to become celibate. Should I choose to continue going, I would bring my partner along and take my place in differing conscience. Some parishes do not call partnered gay or female priests, some (many) dioceses do not ordain them. The question is can I live with this level of comprehension? And vice versa.

For myself, the line is crossed not at the ordination level, but at the communion level when another inserts himself or herself into the equation to read into my soul as I stretch out my hands to receive.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Identity, Ecclesiology, Theology

Con artists' old tricks

Walter Kincherlow Sr., 69, never expected to retire a millionaire. But during his 29 years as a maintenance worker, he managed to sock away more than $80,000. He invested pretty well too, until an “estate planner” took a look at his portfolio while updating his living trust and clucked that Kincherlow’s investment returns were paltry.

Claiming that Kincherlow could earn 20% per year safely, he persuaded the widower to pour his life savings into real estate investments with an El Segundo investment firm called Jon W. James & Associates. Kincherlow said he was assured that his principal was safe. But signs of trouble emerged when he wanted to start spending some of his savings. Then, company managers either couldn’t be reached or talked him out of withdrawal, he said. Meanwhile, they tried to persuade him to secure a huge home equity loan to invest even more.

Securities regulators filed an emergency action last summer to shut down the firm, which they claimed was operating a $22-million fraud. James maintained in legal filings that the company’s investments simply had insufficient time to pan out. In any event, a court-appointed receiver says investors are owed about $13 million, but the company has less than $4 million in assets to repay investors.

“They’re telling me that I might end up with $6,000 or $7,000 out of all of the money I invested,” said Kincherlow, who now lives in Victorville. “I wish I never had done this.”

Read it all. Anyone know of a senior citizen’s ministry out there which tackles this head on? I would love to hear of one–KSH.

Posted in * Economics, Politics, Economy, Ethics / Moral Theology, Theology

How Missed Signs Contributed to a Mortgage Meltdown

In December, the first subprime lenders started failing as more borrowers began falling behind on payments, often shortly after they received the loans. And in February, HSBC, the large British bank, set aside $1.76 billion because of problems in its American subprime lending business.

Over the last two weeks, this slowly building wave became a tsunami in the global financial markets.

On Friday, the Federal Reserve was forced into a surprise cut of the discount rate it charges banks to borrow money, a move that steadied shaky stock and credit markets and reassured investors, bankers and traders who were reeling from a month of market turmoil. And for the first time, the Fed bluntly acknowledged that the credit crisis posed a threat to economic growth.

“Until recently, there was a lot of denial, but this is a big deal,” said Byron R. Wien, a 40-year veteran of Wall Street who is now chief investment strategist at Pequot Capital. “Now the big question is: Will this spill over into the broader economy?”

The answer to that question will be revealed over the coming months. But the cast of characters who missed signals like the rise of delinquencies and foreclosures is becoming easier to identify. They include investment banks happy to sell risky but lucrative mortgage debt to hedge funds hungry for high interest payments, bond rating agencies willing to hope for the best in the housing market and provide sterling credit appraisals to debt issuers, and subprime mortgage brokers addicted to high sales volumes.

What is more, some of these players now find themselves in a dual role as both enabler and victim, like the legions of individual borrowers who were convinced that their homes could only keep rising in value and were confident that they could afford to stretch for the biggest mortgage possible.

“All of the old-timers knew that subprime mortgages were what we called neutron loans ”” they killed the people and left the houses,” said Louis S. Barnes, 58, a partner at Boulder West, a mortgage banking firm in Lafayette, Colo. “The deals made in 2005 and 2006 were going to run into trouble because the credit pendulum at the time was stuck at easy.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Economy

Bob Costas on Barry Bonds

[Wolf] BLITZER: Do you believe Barry Bonds used steroids?

[Bob] COSTAS: Absolutely. There is no conclusion other than that, that any reasonable person could possibly reach. If you gave him the benefit of every doubt, there is no longer any doubt to give him the benefit of. Absolutely he did.

BLITZER: Here’s a reasonable person who was on our show last week, Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco, who said this. Listen to what he said.


WILLIE BROWN, FMR. SAN FRANCISCO MAYOR: It’s difficult to disprove a lie. I believe he has not used steroids because, one, he says so, and number two, he has taken every possible test and he has passed every test.


BLITZER: What do you say to Willie Brown?

COSTAS: With all due respect to Willie Brown, who is a charming man, that is nonsensical. People who are guilty of things say they didn’t do it all the time. He has passed every possible test, baseball had no significant tests until 2003. And then they upped it in subsequent years. Most of the juicing that Barry Bonds did, which is specifically incredibly detailed in the book “Game of Shadows,” took place prior to that, as did his greatest seasons.

And he maintained some of the benefit into 2003 and 2004. So the fact that he took and passed tests later in his career, tests which still have holes in them, and there are no tests for HGH, and other possible designer steroids, proves very little.

BLITZER: What about the argument that he has made that, you know, he doesn’t know — he may have inadvertently taken some steroids, but he never deliberately steroids?

COSTAS: Yes. That’s what he told the grand jury. And even if you leave that aside, as has been detailed elsewhere, there were other performance-enhancing drugs that there is credible evidence that he used. Plus, it is incredible to believe that someone who was as meticulous as Barry Bonds is known to be about his workouts and about every aspect of nutrition would just blithely take something, put it under his tongue, rub it on his body, and not know what it was.

Read the whole transcript.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Ethics / Moral Theology, Sports, Theology

A Liberal Explains His Rejection of Same-Sex Marriage

The problem with that debate until now, as he sees it, is that “almost always, the main focus is ‘gay,’ not ‘marriage.’ ”

Mr. [David] Blankenhorn cites what he calls the “wafer-thin” definitions of marriage that increasingly turn up in court decisions and polemical articles about same-sex ties: “a unique expression of a private bond and profound love”; “a private arrangement between parties committed to love”; “the exclusive commitment of two individuals to each other.”

Some of this commitment talk sounds sweet, and some of it, like “committed, interdependent partnerships between consenting adults,” sounds more like a real estate transaction than a marriage. But for Mr. Blankenhorn, these definitions miss the point. He is amused, for instance, at their neo-Victorian avoidance of any mention of sex. Similarly, these definitions dodge any mention of children and parenthood. They emphasize marriage as private and too diverse (“unique”) to be pinned down.

On the contrary, Mr. Blankenhorn writes, marriage is a “social institution,” a set of shared understandings and public meanings that shape expectations and conduct. Marriage has evolved and, yes, may be “constantly evolving”; here Mr. Blankenhorn moves through biology, prehistory, history and anthropology, from ancient Mesopotamia to the Trobriand Islands. But marriage fundamentally involves sexual intercourse and the affiliation – emotionally, practically and legally – between any child created and both parents.

Read it all from the NY Times earlier in the summer, another in the hundreds of should-have-already-been-posted-but-haven’t-had-a-chance-to-get-to-it-yet posts–KSH.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, --Civil Unions & Partnerships, Marriage & Family, Sexuality

Peter Steinfels: In Praise of Scoops on Heaven, Hell and, Yes, God

The next time laments are heard and verdicts rendered about the media’s lack of attention to religion, will someone please remember Weekly World News?

As everyone whose life experience has not been limited to upscale food stores or buying groceries online knows, Weekly World News was the supermarket tabloid printed only in black and white but carrying articles as colorful as the most fevered imaginations could produce.

When those articles did not feature a resurrected Elvis, the love life of Bigfoot or space aliens meeting secretly with leading politicians, they often dealt with religion: “Baby Born With Angel Wings” (accompanied by photo). “Quick Test Tells If You’re Going to Heaven or Hell!” “Adam & Eve’s Skeletons Found ”” in Colorado!”

Now Weekly World News is closing shop, although it will maintain an online presence. Circulation has dropped from what the paper claimed was almost a million in the late 1980s to under 100,000. In newspapers like this one, the flamboyant tabloid’s demise has been duly noted, with nostalgic tributes to its fondness for swamp monsters and its high moments of creativity (“Florida Man Screams From the Grave, My Brain Is Missing!”).

In The Washington Post on Aug. 7, Peter Carlson provided an unusually full and amusing account of the tabloid’s rise and fall, the cast of characters on its staff and its “unique philosophy of journalism: Don’t fact-check your way out of a good story.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Eschatology, Media, Religion & Culture, Theology

From CNN–Rejecting radical Islam — one man's journey

The path to faith often takes unexpected twists. In the case of Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, the road went through three of the world’s major religions — Judaism, Islam and Christianity — and ultimately brought him to the FBI.

Born to Jewish parents who call themselves mystics, he grew up in what he calls the “liberal hippie Mecca” of Ashland, Oregon, a town of about 20,000 near the California border. It was in this ultraliberal intellectual environment that a young Gartenstein-Ross experimented with a radical form of Islam that eventually led him to shun music, reject women’s rights and even refuse to touch dogs because he believed this was “according to God’s will.”

“I began to pray for the mujahedeen, for these stateless warriors who were trying to topple secular governments,” he said.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Islam, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture

City calls for calm as FTSE threatens to fall further

Anthony Bolton, the outgoing head of Fidelity’s Special Situations fund, and one of the most respected fund managers in the City, said investors “should not panic” despite steep falls in the FTSE index of blue-chip shares.

The three-week drop in the FTSE 100 was offset only on Friday after the US Federal Reserve cut the rate at which it lends to banks by 0.5 per cent ”“ a move that led to shares in London rising over 200 points in afternoon trading.

Mr Bolton said: “My advice is not to panic. But it is going to be a difficult few weeks for the market….

Other leading economic strategists echoed Mr Bolton’s comments that markets would remain extremely volatile.

Robert Talbut, chief investment officer at Royal London Asset Management said: “We still don’t know how serious the problem is. We have had no clear confessions from institutions.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Economy

Life at a funeral

The women came cloaked in black, wearing strings of pearls and floppy hats with thick bows. The men came in designer suits with silk handkerchiefs tucked into their breast pockets.

It was in some respects the ultimate A-list funeral, where high-society New York notables were ushered past cameras and crowds into St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue. They had come to honor Brooke Astor, the Manhattan philanthropist and socialite who died Monday of pneumonia at the age of 105.

Her funeral Friday, like her parties, brought out New York’s upper echelon of celebrities, politicians and dignitaries, including former opera star Jessye Norman, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and co-host of “The View” Whoopi Goldberg.

Astor began planning the ceremony more than a decade ago, updating her guest list of more than 400 names over the years. Known for impeccable style, Astor picked every hymn, Bible verse and prayer to send her spirit off spectacularly.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Episcopal Church (TEC), Parish Ministry

South African Archbishop will pray with Bay Area Episcopalians

The archbishop of South Africa will teach, pray and talk with parishioners in Walnut Creek ”” and, it is hoped, return home with a renewed appreciation of diverse views.
He will visit St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Oct. 15 for a meditative Taiz service, a meal, a teaching, “and, I hope, some dialogue,” said the Rev. Sylvia Vasquez, spiritual leader of St. Paul’s.

The archbishop, the Most Rev. Njongonkulu Ndungane, will be in the Bay Area to participate in the Oct. 14-20 annual convention of the California diocese. Bishop Marc Andrus, head of the diocese, invited Ndungane while in Africa on a peace mission in March.

The invitation is in character for Andrus, who has matched California churches with sister churches in Africa in to strengthen the relationship between worshippers torn over such issues as women’s ordination and same-sex unions. “The African archbishops usually don’t respond well to our presence anywhere,” Vasquez said. “The only way we’ll be able to move forward is through dialogue.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC)

40 days of Anglican Prayer

An interesting website.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal

New Zealand Anglican Archbishops ask for mercy for Ali Panah

New Zealand’s two Anglican Archbishops have asked for mercy for Ali Panah, who is now in the 35th day of a fast he began in a last-ditch bid to avoid deportation to Iran.

And the Archbishops, Brown Turei and David Moxon, have endorsed the work of Anthony Dancer, the Anglican Church’s Social Justice Commissioner, and others who are campaigning on Mr Panah’s behalf.

Ali Panah, who is Christian, and who had been a member of the Anglican parish of St James, Orakei for two years before his arrest, started his fast following the Minister of Immigration’s refusal to grant him refugee status.

He has been held in Mt Eden Prison for 18 months, having refused to sign documents that would lead to his deportation to Iran.

As a Christian, he faces grave risks if he returns to his homeland.

Read the whole press release.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, Anglican Provinces

45th Tennessee fought at Shiloh’s Peach Orchard

Confederate Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston hoped to reverse a series of Rebel losses in the Western Theater by surprising Union Brig. Gen. U.S. Grant’s forces near Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River.

Grant had easily defeated some of Johnston’s subordinates at Fort Donelson and Fort Henry. Nashville had fallen without a whimper to Union Gen. Don Carlos Buell’s Army of the Ohio.

Johnston, a Texan, was regarded as one of the best, field commanders active in the U.S. Army when he resigned and joined the CSA. He was held in even higher regard than Robert E. Lee, particularly by his U.S. Military Academy classmate and friend, Jefferson Davis, who had given him an impossible mission.

Appointed a full general in August 1861, Johnston assumed command of Department No. 2 (the Western Department) the following month. He was placed in direct command of what was initially called the Army of Central Kentucky.

Davis had assigned his friend to defend a line from the Appalachian mountains across the Mississippi River to the Kansas territory. He had, at first, only 20,000 poorly (or often non) equipped, inexperienced soldiers.

While Johnston was trying to form an army, another U.S. Army veteran, William J. Hardee, was ordered to gather a brigade of Arkansas troops. Episcopal Bishop Leonidas Polk, a U.S. Military Academy graduate, joined theater No. 2 as a lieutenant general. With a force of 5,000 men, Polk seized the town of Columbus, Ky on Sept. 3, 1861. On Nov. 7, 1861, Polk defeated Grant at Belmont, Mo. It was Grant’s first action in command.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Church History, Episcopal Church (TEC)

Episcopal Diocese files lawsuit to try to retain Bristol church

The Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut is suing in an attempt to regain possession of a local church that broke ranks with the diocese over the appointment of an openly gay bishop.

The congregation of Trinity Episcopal Church in Bristol voted in May to join the more conservative Anglican Church of Nigeria.

The diocese’s lawsuit, filed this month in New Britain Superior Court, argues that Trinity’s rector, the Rev. Donald Helmandollar, and other church leaders gave up their legal rights to control the parish, its records and furnishings.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: Connecticut

Washington Post: Rift Over Gay Unions Reflects Battle New to Black Churches

Never in a “million years” did Robert Renix think he would find a Baptist church that would accept someone like him: a black Baptist gay man. Never mind one that would allow what happened one Saturday last month, when a tuxedo-clad Renix stood in front of the pulpit at Covenant Baptist Church in Anacostia, exchanging vows with his partner, Antonio Long.

It didn’t turn out to be that simple, though.

About 140 members jammed into the fellowship hall a few weeks later for a tense meeting about the recent decision of Covenant co-pastors Dennis and Christine Wiley to conduct same-sex union ceremonies. Some expressed their opposition through Bible verses, saying they were worried that Covenant was getting a reputation as a “gay church.” Others wept as they defended the Wileys, said people who were there.

“I don’t care who does it in their bedroom with whom,” said Yvonne Moore, a longtime member who left the church over the same-sex ceremonies. “But don’t bring that foolishness into my church.”

Other heterosexual church members defend the Wileys and their actions. “It’s never been a traditional church,” said Jeffrey Canady, a lifetime member who lives in Takoma Park. “That’s the beauty of the church. It has always been at the forefront of change.”

The split reflects a tug of war that is developing between a few black churches willing to welcome gays and black denominations that consider homosexuality a sin.

Read it all.

Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Other Churches, Sexuality Debate (Other denominations and faiths)

No Longer Lost, a Refugee Accepts Call to Leadership

About 7,000 miles separate Grace Episcopal Church here, where the Rev. Zachariah Jok Char preaches most Sundays, from the small town of Duk Padiet in Sudan, where he was born.

The tally of the miles started about 21 years ago when Mr. Char was 5 and militias backed by the Sudanese government attacked his town during the civil war in the south. He saw the explosions from the field where he was playing, and he fled. He met other boys who had escaped similar attacks, and they started walking.

“I still remember what I was wearing then: red shorts and a T-shirt,” said Mr. Char, sitting in an empty pew one afternoon at the church. “I didn’t have shoes. Some were naked.”

The orphans, mostly boys, walked more than 1,000 miles to Ethiopia from Sudan over three months, Mr. Char said. Later, they were forced to walk to Kenya. Thousands died. The West called them the Lost Boys.

Those boys are men now, and here and in cities like Atlanta and Burlington, Vt., the 3,800 who were resettled in the United States beginning in 2001 are trying to build lives and weave communities. For many, their Christian faith, often Anglicanism, is at the heart of their efforts.

Even as they struggle with school, work and frequent bad news from home, recent Sudanese immigrants have moved rapidly to establish congregations, often with the help of local Episcopal parishes. For the Sudanese, church is a place where they can be themselves after being Americans all week, where they can hear Scripture in their native language and where they can reconstitute a culture they only began to know as children.

“We want to pray God, God who brought us here,” Mr. Char, 26, said of the formation of the congregation at Grace Episcopal. “It was not a human decision but a God decision that we are here.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, * International News & Commentary, Africa, Episcopal Church (TEC), Parish Ministry

The Economist: The game is up

THE old-fashioned financial system was like Old Maid, a parlour game once beloved of small children. The banks were like players, dealt hands from a pack of cards, which they swapped among each other. At the end, one player was left holding a lonely queen””a bad debt, if you will””and lost. Over the past few decades the game has changed. Securitisation has snipped the old maid into pieces; new faces, such as hedge funds, have joined the party, enabling the banks to distribute those pieces among a larger number of players. When the game is over, lots of players are left holding small losses instead of one player holding a big one.

During two exceedingly prosperous decades, that theory seemed to work just fine. But the swings in almost all financial markets this month have made dispersed risk suddenly morph into dispersed mistrust. The uncertainty has been magnified by the way that bad risks have become so hard to value. Investors have bought asset-backed securities that use shaky subprime mortgages in America as collateral, but as defaults have risen, the value of that collateral has tumbled.

Read it all and there is more on the Fed’s response there.

Posted in * Economics, Politics, Economy

Notable and Quotable

“Thank God there are those in the contemporary church who are determined at all costs to defend and uphold God’s revealed truth. But sometimes they are conspicuously lacking in love. When they think they smell heresy, their nose begins to twitch, their muscles ripple, and the light of battle enters their eye. They seem to enjoy nothing more than a fight. Others make the opposite mistake. They are determined at all costs to maintain and exhibit brotherly love, but in order to do so are prepared even to sacrifice the central truths of revelation. Both these tendencies are unbalanced and unbiblical. Truth becomes hard if it is not softened by love; love becomes soft if it is not strengthened by truth. The apostle [Paul] calls us to hold the two together, which should not be difficult for Spirit-filled believers, since the Holy Spirit is himself ”˜the Spirit of truth,’ and his firstfruit is ”˜love.’ There is no other route than this to a fully mature Christian unity.”

–John Stott, The Message of Ephesians (Downer’s Grove, Illinois: InterVarsityPress, 1979), p. 172

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, * General Interest, Notable & Quotable

Veterinarian Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald Tells the Story of a man who Brought in his Ailing Pet Spider

Former rock and roll bouncer and current host of Animal Planet’s, Emergency Vets: Interns, Kevin Fitzgerald tells a story here which is side splittingly funny. Listen to it all from Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me (go down to the “Not my Job” segment and begin just past 3 minutes in).

Posted in * General Interest, Humor / Trivia

Archbishop Peter Akinola: A Most Agonizing Journey towards Lambeth 2008

With about seven weeks to go, hope for a unified Communion is not any brighter than it was seven months or ten years ago. Rather, the intransigence of those who reject Biblical authority continues to obstruct our mission and it now seems that the Communion is being forced to choose between following their innovations or continuing on the path that the church has followed since the time of the Apostles.

We have made enormous efforts since 1997 in seeking to avoid this crisis, but without success. Now we confront a moment of decision. If we fail to act we risk leading millions of people away from the faith revealed in the Holy Scriptures and also, even more seriously, we face the real possibility of denying our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The leadership of The Episcopal Church USA (TECUSA) and the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) seem to have concluded that the Bible is no longer authoritative in many areas of human experience especially in salvation and sexuality. They claim to have ”˜progressed’ beyond the clear teaching of the Scriptures and they have not hidden their intention to lead others to these same conclusions. They have even boasted that they are years ahead of others in fully understanding the truth of the Holy Scriptures and the nature of God’s love.

Both TECUSA and ACoC have been given several opportunities to consult, discuss and prayerfully respond through their recognized structures. While they produced carefully nuanced, deliberately ambiguous statements, their actions have betrayed them. Their intention is clear; they have chosen to walk away from the Biblically based path we once all walked together. The unrelenting persecution of the remaining faithful among them shows how they have used these past few years to isolate and destroy any and all opposition.

We now confront the seriousness of their actions as the year for the Lambeth Conference draws near..

Read it all.

Update: Simon Sarmiento has very helpfully provided a more user-friendly version of this document.

Another Update: Stephen Noll has a comment here in response which includes the following:

…In terms of the present crisis, I think he is clear that he sees it has culminating in seven weeks, not at Lambeth 2008. Indeed, he has been quite clear about this for at least 18 months since commissioning “The Road to Lambeth.”

I hope against hope that Canterbury will heed Abp. Akinola’s call and take the necessary disciplinary steps against those who have openly defied God’s Word in Scripture and the fundamental articles of the Communion’s identity. I say “hope against hope” because I fear Rowan Williams does not see the situation with the same eyes. But even beyond his personal views, I think he probably represents the Church of England’s inability to accept the reality that a new day has dawned, not ruled from the Anglo-American centers of power. As I have written elsewhere in “The Global Anglican Communion: A Blueprint,” I do not think the Communion can or should be governed as it has in the past. The sacred “Instruments” themselves are of relatively recent origin and overlapping in authority and function. A Communion Covenant is a good thing, but only if it addresses the issues and structures that have led to the present disruption.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Provinces, Church of Nigeria, Episcopal Church (TEC), Instruments of Unity, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion)

'The Wall' Brings a Grim World Back to Life

Peter Sis’ new graphic book for children and adults is called The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain. The book depicts life as Sis saw it while growing up under communist domination in Prague. Sis speaks with Scott Simon.

This is a terrific interview and it sounds like a great book. I visited behind the Iron Curtain in 1977 when I was in high school and hope I never forget what it was really like. Listen to it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Europe

NPR–Size Matters: The Hidden Mathematics of Life

Why do big [animals]… use up energy more slowly?

Three scientists at the Santa Fe Institute, an interdisciplinary institute in northern New Mexico, took up this question a few years ago and discovered that if you compare elephants to lions to housecats to mice to shrews, you discover that heartbeats vary in a precise mathematical way.

The mathematical principal is called Quarter Power Scaling and it is described beautifully in “Of Mice and Elephants: A Matter of Scale,” by New York Times writer George Thompson. But here is the heart of it: Nature goes easy on larger creatures so they don’t wear out too quickly.

After all, an elephant has trillions more cells than a shrew and they all have to connect and communicate and distribute energy and keep the animal going. In a little animal, the job is easier. In a big animal, there are so many more blood vessels, moving parts, longer pathways, there is so much more work to do, the big animal could break down much more quickly.

So Geoffrey West, Jim Brown and Brian Enquist discovered that nature gives larger animals a gift: more efficient cells. Literally.

Listen to it all and note carefully Professor West’s discussion of religion when he discovers the hidden mathematical unity of all of life..

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Religion & Culture, Science & Technology

Tom Krattenmaker: Should God go to the ballgame?

On Sunday, Christian baseball fans will stream into Dodger Stadium for what is becoming more common fare at professional ballparks across the country — “faith day.”

Following the Dodgers vs. Rockies game, fans with special tickets will gather in a corner of the parking lot for a concert by the Christian rock band Hawk Nelson, an appearance by characters from the “Veggie Tales” Christian television program and testimonials by several devout Dodgers. The purpose, according to event organizer Brent High, is to promote the Gospel of Jesus.

High and his Christian events-promotion company, Third Coast Sports, have been organizing faith days and faith nights around minor league baseball for years. They reached the major leagues last season with three events at Turner Field, home of the Atlanta Braves, and will be in 10 major league cities this season. The event at Dodger Stadium will be the first in L.A.

These events, which blend religion and commerce, are the product of a partnership between High’s company and host teams. Third Coast undertakes energetic outreach to evangelical churches, getting baseball-loving church members (and, more important, their unconverted invitees) to turn out for the game and a special religious program. Believers nourish their faith and perhaps extend it to others, and teams welcome the typical surge in ticket sales and action at the merchandise and food stands. The result, according to High, “is happy teams, happy churches.”

But not everyone is so happy.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Religion & Culture, Sports

Religion and Ethics Weekly: Genetic Enhancement

LAWTON: Mitchell is genetically predisposed to be short. His mom, Lisa, is 5’3″ and Doug, his dad, is 5’4″. Their doctor projected that Mitchell may not get any taller than 5’1″ and he suggested human growth hormone might help add two or three more inches to that. They decided to try it.

LISA GREENWOOD: For Mitch, there have already been things in his life that he’s wanted to do that he’s been unable to do because he’s too small. I think that parents will always choose the things that will help their kids grow to be happier, more productive adults.

DOUG GREENWOOD: Some with reason and some without reason, you know. I think this has been a reasonable choice that we’ve made.

LAWTON: But as biotechnology advances, some ethicists are raising moral concerns about the extent to which parents may try to make even more radical alterations.

Harvard Professor Michael Sandel is a member of the President’s Council on Bioethics and author of the new book THE CARE AGAINST PERFECTION. He warns of a slippery slope in the drive toward enhancement.

Professor MICHAEL SANDEL (Department of Government, Harvard University): Aiming at giving our kids a competitive edge in a consumer society””that, in principle, is a goal that is limitless. It has””there is no end. In fact, one can imagine a kind of hormonal arms race, or genetic arms race, whether it’s to do with height or IQ, conceivably, in the future.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Ethics / Moral Theology, Health & Medicine, Theology