Category : * General Interest

Telegraph Animal Pictures of the Week for World Animal Day

Enjoy each one of them.

Posted in * General Interest, Animals, Photos/Photography

A Blessed and Happy World Animal Day to all Blog Readers!

World Animal Day was started in 1931 at a convention of ecologists in Florence as a way of highlighting the plight of endangered species. October 4 was chosen as World Animal Day as it is the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.

Read it all and check out the links.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * General Interest, Animals, Church History, Globalization, History

(Bloomberg) U.S. Outgunned by Extremists on New YouTube, Twitter Battlefield

Even with their technological head start, the U.S. and its allies are coming late to this battle for hearts and minds. Social media’s volume, velocity and verisimilitude have left the U.S. struggling to counter it and mine the communication for reliable information.

By the end of this year, the Geneva-based International Telecommunications Union projects that 55 percent of the world’s 2.3 billion mobile broadband subscriptions will be in developing countries, where unemployed youth can use them to access messages from Islamic State and other extremists.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * General Interest, * International News & Commentary, --Social Networking, America/U.S.A., Blogging & the Internet, Defense, National Security, Military, Ethics / Moral Theology, Foreign Relations, Globalization, Media, Photos/Photography, Politics in General, Science & Technology, Terrorism, Theology

Budweiser is just brilliant at making adorable animal advertisements

Watch it all–adorable.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * General Interest, Animals, Consumer/consumer spending, Corporations/Corporate Life, Economy, Media, Photos/Photography

Food for Thought from G K Chesterton at the beginning of the Day

The great ideals of the past failed not by being outlived (which must mean over-lived), but by not being lived enough. Mankind has not passed through the Middle Ages. Rather mankind has retreated from the Middle Ages in reaction and rout. The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.

–What’s Wrong With The World (CreateSpace Independent Publishing reprint of the 1910 original) p. 23

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * General Interest, Books, Church History, Notable & Quotable

Music for Monday Evening: Old Man River

Posted in * General Interest

Music for Monday Morning – Sabre Dance from Khachaturian's Gayane

Posted in * General Interest

Local paper–Remembering Hugo–A Storm that big today would be 'total devastation'

It’s been 25 years since Hugo tore into the Lowcountry, its eye passing just north of Charleston Harbor and leaving an indelible scar on the lives of the people who lived it.

If a storm that powerful made landfall today just south of Hugo’s path, at Kiawah Island, the buzz saw of its worst, north-side winds would shear nearly all of the Charleston metro area and the storm surge would submerge the barrier islands.

According to an experimental Hazus computer model run by a College of Charleston team, a landfall just south of the city from a Hugo-scale hurricane could tear up nearly half the homes in the region and destroy tens of thousands of them. Tens of thousands of people would be homeless, at least temporarily, and thousands forced to shelters. Businesses and jobs could come to a standstill, and the loss to the economy alone could be far more than $2 billion.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * General Interest, * South Carolina, History, Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, etc.

Wisdom from M. Scott Peck on a Sunday Morning

“Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-once we truly understand and accept it-then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.”

–M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Travelled

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * General Interest, Books, Notable & Quotable, Psychology

25 Years Ago Tomorrow–Remembering Hurricane Hugo

When Hurricane Hugo struck on Sept. 21, 1989, sleepy little Summerville was still adjusting to a growth spurt that would see the town grow from a village of 6,492 people in 1980 to a town of 22,519 in 1990.

It had been years since the Lowcountry had seen a serious hurricane, and many who lived through Hugo now admit they just didn’t prepare the way they should have.

“Personally, I didn’t take it seriously,” said Margaret Goodwine.

By the time she realized the gravity of the situation, “it was really too late to do anything,” she said.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * General Interest, * South Carolina, History, Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, etc.

(DMN) Cowboy Churches: the Gospel with a little twang

The fact that there are now two cowboy churches in the Fort Worth Stockyards is a sign of the times: Dozens of these churches have popped up in the last 15 years, constituting a rapidly growing constituency of new Western Christianity that embraces simple services over big-church productions.

Westby’s church is a nondenominational congregation with a relaxed, indoor service featuring lots of music and no formal sermon. Miller’s, meanwhile, is associated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas and has been open for a little more than a year with a focus on ministry that goes beyond Sunday morning.

The two pastors don’t conflict or compete: They say there are enough cowboys, or at least enough people who want to worship like a cowboy, in the Stockyards to go around.

“Talking to someone about religion is like talking about politics,” Miller said. “Talk to them about their horses and their spirituality, that’s what they connect with.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * General Interest, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Animals, Parish Ministry, Religion & Culture, Theology

Morning Food for Thought to Begin the Week

“The closed fist receives nothing.”

–Micehle Oka Doner, Readers Digest (August 2014), p. 156

Posted in * General Interest

(NBC) Photographer Proves Puppies Are Even More Adorable Underwater

Take the time to watch it all.

Posted in * General Interest, Animals, Photos/Photography

(Time) Wendy Shalit on The Private Self(ie), Girls, Women, and Shame and Modesty

Since the Jennifer Lawrence photo hack, Internet security has come under scrutiny. But why do many young women feel the need to take and share nude selfies in the first place? Don’t get me wrong: I think hackers are morally reprehensible and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But I also think that we need to build an alternative to the dogma “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” Young women are told that it’s a sign of being proud of your sexuality to “sext” young men””a philosophy that has turned girls into so many flashing beacons, frantic to keep the attention of the males in their lives by striking porn-inspired poses.

Today if you watch the famous Algerian-French singer Enrico Macias singing to his late wife, Suzy, about how he “won her love,” their dynamic seems as if it’s from another planet. Some might watch this decades-old video and imagine her passivity indicates that she wasn’t empowered. But I see something else in her shy manner and dancing eyes: a drama between them that was not for the public to see. The words of his song are certainly moving””“In the exile’s nights, we were together/ My son and my daughter are truly from you/ I spent my life ”¦ waiting for you”””and yet there was even more than what those beautiful lyrics revealed.

The pressure on girls today to take sexy selfies comes out of a culture that routinely equates modesty with shame, instead of recognizing it for what it really is: an impulse that protects what is precious and intimate.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * General Interest, --Social Networking, Anthropology, Blogging & the Internet, Ethics / Moral Theology, Photos/Photography, Psychology, Sexuality, Teens / Youth, Theology, Women

Never Forget: Remembering 9/11 Through Pictures

Take a look at them all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * General Interest, History, Photos/Photography, Terrorism

Moving Photos Of some of the 9/11 First Responders

Examine them all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * General Interest, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Economy, History, Labor/Labor Unions/Labor Market, Law & Legal Issues, Photos/Photography, Police/Fire, Terrorism, Urban/City Life and Issues

(History in Pictures) Construction of The Twin Towers, 1970

Check it out–wow.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * General Interest, History, Photos/Photography, Terrorism, Urban/City Life and Issues

May We Never Forget””Thirteen Years Ago Today

This is a long download but an important file to take the time to listen to and watch. There are a few pieces I would have wished to do differently in terms of the choices for specific content, but the actual footage and the music is valuable.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * General Interest, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Death / Burial / Funerals, History, Music, Parish Ministry, Photos/Photography, Terrorism, Urban/City Life and Issues, Violence

A Video of the Second Plane Hitting, Taken from Brooklyn

It isn’t easy, but it is important–I make myself do this every year on this day. Watch it silently, and watch it all.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * General Interest, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Death / Burial / Funerals, History, Parish Ministry, Photos/Photography, Terrorism

We Remember Thirteen Years Ago Today

(Courtesy of our son Nathaniel Harmon, who now lives and works in NYC).

Posted in * By Kendall, * Christian Life / Church Life, * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * General Interest, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Death / Burial / Funerals, Harmon Family, History, Parish Ministry, Photos/Photography, Terrorism

(Onion) the Pros and Cons Of a Long-Distance Relationship


Efficiently combines the frustration of being in a relationship with the loneliness of being single
Girlfriend in other state provides convenient way to ignore your fear of meeting new people
More pillows for yourself
Technology allows couples to communicate as if Skype session is a prison visit with thick sheet of glass between them….

LOL. Read it all.

Posted in * General Interest, Humor / Trivia

(Crux) Photos from inside the Vatican Secret Archives

These are just remarkable–take the time to look at them all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * General Interest, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, Books, Europe, History, Italy, Other Churches, Photos/Photography, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic

Notable and Quotable–Thank God for AA Milne

“What day is it?”, asked Winnie the Pooh “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet “My favorite day,” said Pooh”

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * General Interest, Books, Children, Notable & Quotable

(NPR) The Salmon Cannon: Easier Than Shooting Fish Out Of A Barrel

Ever since rivers have been dammed, destroying the migration routes of salmon, humans have worked to create ways to help the fish return to their spawning grounds. We’ve built ladders and elevators; we’ve carried them by hand and transported them in trucks. Even helicopters have been used to fly fish upstream.

But all of those methods are expensive and none of them are efficient.

Enter the salmon cannon.

The device uses a pressure differential to suck up a fish, send it through a tube at up to 22 mph and then shoot it out the other side, reaching heights of up to 30 feet. This weekend, it will be used to move hatchery fish up a tributary of the Columbia River in Washington.

Read it all and enjoy the video also.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * General Interest, Animals, Corporations/Corporate Life, Economy, Energy, Natural Resources, Ethics / Moral Theology, Science & Technology, Theology

Folly Beach, SC–Harmon Family vacation in the Summer of 2014

Take a look.

Posted in * By Kendall, * General Interest, Harmon Family, Photos/Photography

Summer Open Thread #6: What are you grateful to God for?

Posted in * General Interest

Summer Open Thread #5 — Memorable Vacation Destinations – aka the "T19 Trip Advisor"

Our favorite blog host, the Rev. Canon Dr. Kendall Harmon, has been showing off the beauty of Camp St. Christopher in the family vacation photos he’s posted (here and here). As August winds down, we invite our readers to share comments about some memorable vacations and vacation destinations – and perhaps also hoped-for vacation destinations. Where would you choose to visit if time and money permitted?

Previous Open Threads:
Guest Blogger
Memorable Sermons
Laughter the Best Medicine

Posted in * General Interest

A Fun Quiz: Who's Who in Church History

See if you can match these 20 famous names from church history with their pictures. Let us know in the comments how you did!

The quiz is here.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * General Interest, Church History, Humor / Trivia

[Christianity Today] Ebola and the Glory of God – an interview with Nancy Writebol's family

Excellent reading. Ed Stetzer interviewed Nancy & David Writebol’s adult children about how the family has coped with Nancy’s illness with the Ebola virus.
Here’s an excerpt.

What do you want to come from this?

Jeremy: I think the perspective that we hope others will gain from this is that in suffering there is hope, namely Jesus himself. Often we are tempted to think “why me” when suffering comes about and unless we see it in the larger picture of God’s glory and the unfolding and revealing of his character and nature to the world we will miss the joy that it is to be part of God’s great story.
In suffering there is hope, namely Jesus himself.

Brian: I think I would like those who look into our lives through this time to see Christ and see He alone in our refuge in trying times. This “strong tower” comes in the form of prayer, Scripture, and the Holy Sprint providing comfort and peace in our hearts in the darkest moments. Through this peace we are able to worship and glorify him no matter the outcome.

Esther: I want people to see Christ lifted high and to see that God’s plans for each of our lives is always for our good and His glory. God is Sovereign, he is Holy and he is good- all the time, no matter what the circumstances in our lives are- we can trust him to lovingly walk us through the dark and scary times as well as the joyful times of our lives.

How has this affected her faith?

Brian: In conversations with Mom I’ve picked up a sense that she has a deeper understanding on Christ sufficiency in all circumstances. He really is able to give peace and comfort when we have no where else to turn.


Stephanie: I had a wonderful conversation with my mother-in-law one day while she was laying in the bed at Emory University””looking at her through glass. She said:

“Steph, I have asked myself many, many times in my life, Is Jesus enough? I wasn’t always sure how I could really answer that. When I was being put on that plane to come to the US, I knew I was leaving my home where all my things would be destroyed. I was saying goodbye to David, not knowing if I would see him again. I was getting on that plane unsure if I would be alive when I got to the US to see all of you. It was that moment when I cried out and knew, ‘Jesus, you have to be enough. Jesus, you are all I have – you are enough.'”

Oh how perspective changes””He really is enough!

It’s worth reading the whole article.

Posted in * General Interest, Theodicy, Theology

Vacation Picture (II)–Sunset this Evening, Camp Saint Christopher, South Carolina

Posted in * By Kendall, * General Interest, * South Carolina, Harmon Family, Photos/Photography