…we are “To Make Biblical Anglicans for a Global Age.”’
That was the T-shirt version, and it has stuck! I am more convinced now than ever, however inadequately we have received, embodied and conveyed it, that this was a vision from the Lord. I have also come to accept that what takes a year or two for a new rector to establish in a parish takes five years for a bishop to achieve in a diocese. It is only in recent years have I noticed rectors reciting this statement in a way that rolls naturally off of their tongues.
Now in this ninth year as your bishop I remain unswervingly committed to our calling. I see also the need to doggedly keep it before us. Frankly, this vision is like a railroad track””that is, it has two rails. One rail is a local focus and the other is more global.
So let me elaborate afresh: To Make Biblical Anglicans will mean two things:
Ӣ To help every congregation to engage every generation with the Good News of Jesus Christ
Ӣ To help shape emerging Anglicanism in the 21st Century